My daughter has food triggered eczema since she was 2 months old. She just turned 5. At age 1 1/2 she developed Aquagenic urticaria. She can drink water and does not affect her when she ingests water. However, she breaks out into hives when her skin is in contact to water, sweat and even her tears. When she takes a bath, I have to dry her right away and she usually gets very itchy after a bath. I have to dry her right away, in less than a minute after a bath and put her in nice dry cotton pjs. The reaction doesn t last long, it lasts for about 1/2 hour after a bath. She is gonna start kindergarten next year, I am very scared she won t be able to do well at school due to this issue. Her neck is the biggest problem because she sweats when she runs and her skin breaks out horribly due to sweat. Her regular antihistamine (even though strong) does not work, cortisone does not work with these short live bouts of hives either. Is there something I can do to help her???